District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health Provider Performance Report
Aurrera Health partnered with the District of Columbia (DC) Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), to develop the comprehensive report, Measuring Provider Performance: Building a Stronger System of Behavioral Health Care, which summarizes provider- and system-level performance on DBH key performance indicators (KPIs) that focus on behavioral health care services delivered by providers to children, youth, and adults across the District. The report is designed to be used by DBH’s broad stakeholder audience to monitor performance, promote accountability, and identify where improvements in health care delivery and outcomes are needed.
To inform the development of the report, Aurrera Health conducted an environmental scan and assessment of publicly available reports on behavioral health provider performance to provide DBH with insight about the strengths and weaknesses of different methodological approaches for reliably collecting, calculating, and reporting behavioral health performance data at the provider level. Aurrera Health also provided technical assistance, analytic support, and guidance to DBH on statistical approaches for analyzing and reporting the data.
Additionally, Aurrera Health facilitated meetings with key DBH stakeholders and DBH leadership to solicit feedback on the report outline and approach. We developed a series of tables, graphs, and charts to present provider performance data for each KPI, as well as concise language to introduce readers to the report, each indicator, methodical considerations, and summarize information on performance across both providers and indicators.
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 report represented the first time that provider-specific performance data on these KPIs have been made publicly available; the FY 2021 report has also been published and FY 2022 and 2023 reports are in development.