Reatha Conn, Policy Consultant, Kristin Mendoza-Nguyen, Director, and Kristal Vardaman, PhD, MSPH, Managing Principal, Medicaid Policy and Programs  

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality final rule (Managed Care Rule). The Rule, effective as of July 9, 2024, places a strong focus on oversight and accountability within Medicaid and CHIP managed care programs and on enhancing beneficiary experiences to ensure they receive high-quality care.  

Aurrera Health has summarized the major provisions of the Managed Care Rule in two recent blog posts:  

Medicaid Managed Care: What’s Next for State and Managed Care Implementation 

Strengthening Quality Measurement in Medicaid and CHIP Through the Access and Managed Care Rules  

The Managed Care Rule will be phased in gradually, with deadlines extending until 2028. While the deadlines are staggered, achieving them will require overlapping implementation timelines for states. To support state and stakeholder planning, Aurrera Health created an implementation timeline, organized by common themes. This timeline is available by clicking the image below. 

This timeline compliments a similar resource we published in a recent blog post on the Medicaid Access Rule: 

The Countdown Has Started: Implementing the Medicaid Access Rule 

Implementing the Access and Managed Care Rules will require a significant investment in state time and resources. Aurrera Health looks forward to helping states and other stakeholders understand and implement requirements to support Medicaid beneficiary access. If you would like to discuss how we can help your state, please reach out to Aurrera Health Managing Principal Kristal Vardaman.



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The Countdown Has Started: Implementing the Medicaid Access Rule